How to Become a Zoologist in 4 Steps


A Zoologist is a type of scientist that studies animals and living organisms. Zoologists study animal behavior and classification, and sometimes focus on a specific group of animals, like mammals or birds.

Zoologists work both in the natural environment of animals and in the laboratory, where they analyze specimens and conduct experiments to learn more about the animal kingdom. Becoming a zoologist is an exciting and meaningful career path for those who love to learn about animals and protecting animal species.  

What do you Learn in a Zoology Degree Program?


Zoology degrees prepare you with the foundational knowledge and skills for a career as a zoologist. Some of the classes you’ll take in PBA’s Biology: Concentration in Zoology 学位包括:

  • Introduction to Scientific Research- practical skills for conducting field and laboratory research
  • 植物学, study of the taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, physiology, and ecology of photosynthetic organisms
  • Comparative Animal Physiology- comparison of the mechanisms used by the various animal phyla
  • 脊椎动物, study the natural history, 分类学, and comparative anatomy of these vertebrate groups in a phylogenetic context
  • Invertebrate Zoology- examination of the morphology, taxonomy, and ecology of the invertebrates.
  • 动物行为, the study of how and why animals behave a certain way

How to Become a Zoologist in 4 Steps

Here are the essential steps for starting a career in zoology. We’ve broken the process down into four easy steps.

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

The majority of jobs in the field of zoology require at least a bachelor’s degree in zoology or a related field. A bachelor’s degree will provide you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the field.

Palm Beach Atlantic University offers a degree in Biology: Concentration in Zoology that is perfect for anyone interested in a career in zoology. This degree provides an entry point into a professional career, or as preparation for a graduate degree. 

Step 2: Gain Experience

Getting experience in the field is a crucial step in becoming a zoologist. You can gain experience through completing an internship, volunteering at an organization, or by working part-time while completing your degree. Attending a university with great connections to local organizations can be a priceless resource and help you gain practical experience to boost your resume. 

There are many exciting opportunities in the 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 area. Many of our students intern at leading scientific organizations and agencies, some of which include:

  • Max Planck Institute
  • Scripps Research Institute
  • Loggerhead Marine Life Center
  • Mote Marine Laboratory
  • MacArthur Beach State Park
  • Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management

Step 3: Join a Professional Organization

A great way to boost your career prospects and make connections in the field is to join professional organizations, such as the American Society of Zoologists or the Wildlife Society. Joining a professional organization can give you access to academic journals, 会议, and inside knowledge about job openings. 

4 .人际关系 & 应用

Once you’ve earned your degree and gained experience, it is time to start looking for jobs. Take advantage of networking opportunities to learn more about potential job openings. 

PBA’s Career Development office is ready to help you find your dream job where your faith and passions collide. Their services include application support, interview practice, and resume building tips. 


根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for zoologists and wildlife biologists are expected to grow by 3% over the next decade, 1,500 new jobs opening each year. 

Career Options for Zoology Graduates

There are many career options for graduates with a zoology degree. Consider looking at other career paths such as:

  • 野生动物学家
  • 动物园园长
  • Conservation Scientist
  • Environmental Consultant
  • 研究科学家
  • 兽医

Learn more about PBA’s Zoology program

Palm Beach Atlantic University offers a robust zoology program that gives students access to state-of-the-art facilities and research laboratories. PBA’s Biology: Concentration in Zoology degree can help you learn how to steward the environment while integrating a Christian perspective on the natural sciences.